Thursday, April 23, 2009

philly police article

about how philly agreed to expand police supervision because have had so many cases of brutality and corruption

''We do not have a corruption problem,'' Mr. Costello said. ''That's one point the Mayor and I are in agreement. And if that's the case, why do we need a 10- or 14-point plan? It's a criminal waste of taxpayer funds for a charade.'' ( officer complaining about extra supervision)

Police Brutality Video

police brutality

Take Philadelphia for instance. It recently convicted six former 39th precinct officers in a corruption scandal triggered back in 1992. Their convictions included crimes ranging from selling drugs, to robbing, beating, and framing drug suspects. When the dust finally had cleared, 1,400 criminal cases were under review. This number may go as high as 10,000, which means that some dangerous criminals who were guilty will probably be back on the street because the police broke the law.

police brutality vid

Police Brutality Links

When googling "police brutality 1985" some of the first links that appear are the MOVE 1985 incident

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Additional material for video

There's this article on USATODAY that talks about how the bombing still affects the lives of people in Philadelphia nowadays... I guess you should read it and maybe use quotes from it.
I also found this audio segment that has some stuff you could use maybe:
Then in terms of racism in philadelphia there's this good website you might want to take a look at : There is actually this event that's quite recent, january 2007, that we might be able to use. There has been several instances in which young black guys have been killed by police officials for no real reason. There's an article on it: I can't seem to find any videos that you could really use though... I'll keep looking.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

MOVE myspace

Monday, April 13, 2009

Final Claim

Something needed to be done regarding control over the MOVE group however, the city of Philadelphia could have went about the situation in a more ethical manor and should have considered the damage that would have been done to the city.

Claims (Emily)

Regan was sworn into office for a second term around the same time that the MOVE firebombing occurred. Throughout his campaign, he would mention that he was "Barry Goldwater's heir." Goldwater, a republican presidential nominee in 1964, was a voice for the people who were opposed to the Civil Rights Act because they believed that it was in the jurisdiction of the sovereign rights of the states to control the laws, not the federal government. While Regan only opposed the federal government mandating these laws, it is sometimes misconstrued as Regan not being in support of equal rights for minorities. This could have been the case with MOVE, causing them to hoard weapons, not follow orders, and get involved in a standoff with officials.

Nonconformist groups are typically feared by government officials. The mayor of Philadelpia could have had the impression that MOVE was a nonconformist group because MOVE would not follow police orders and requests to be quiet. This could have lead to the altercation that later percipitated.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

claim ideas

City needed to respond to community complaints of the group MOVE, however their response was too harsh.

Bombs dropped on MOVE house and surrounding houses due to community complaints and city's desire to get rid of group.

*I don't know if this is exactly what he's looking for, I tried to come up with something general, but i don't know.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

MOVE- The Facts

MOVE 1985- The Facts
• MOVE was a group of radicals who wore their hair in dreadlocks and rebelled against technology and modern practices of medicine and science
• Bomb was dropped in order to clear the house. The police had received a variety of complaints saying MOVE would broadcast political messages at all hours
• The bomb burned down almost an entire block of Osage Avenue
• Resulted in the death of five children and six adults, 61 destroyed homes
• The city of Philadelphia has spent $42 million on various things including financial statements, rebuilding and investigation to try and fix what happened on May 13,1985
• The mayor who ordered the bomb to be dropped happened to be the first black mayor of Philadelphia
• Jury found that the city of Philadelphia used excessive force and violated the groups constitution rights

On a Move seems to be John Africa's website. There is a blog about MOVE and pages within the site about MOVE's ways,

Mumbia move event - 12/9/81

John Africa's purpose for creating group was the "challenge the system"

9 people were sent to jail for third-degree murder in the '78 incident when a police officer was shot, but only one person can be responsible for the 1 bullet that killed him - that is, if a move bullet killed him at all. SO at least 8 people were innocent, but charged.

Mumia Abu Jamal: Dec. 9, 1981 
Officer Faulkner was detaining Mumia's brother, shot and bleeding, beaten on way to hospital and injured on the floor; officer known for his corruption; false and perjured testimonies during trial, biased jury;  been on death row for over 25 years, denied new trial continuously
Was a move "sympathizer" not a true member.
Ramona Africa (adult survivor of '85 event): says police fired at Move members as they tried to escape the burning house

interview with father of son in fire of Move: 10 yrs after wife (right after divorce) ran away with him. one of 2 survivors. Birdie Africa - couldn't read or write, only eaten raw food, afraid of adults, never played with children before, had never seen money,  told his father that move made the children fight with one another until blood was drawn - called it training. Father helping him transition into the real world - taught him to read, transitioned to real food, set up play dates with real kids, invoke feeling of being a normal child, see changes when he wanted skateboards, asking to go out and hang out with friends, named mike ward not birdie. attended public high school, played football. move members contact him sometimes, mike not interested in talking with them, father says he's not afraid of them. now married with his own children. 

history/background in 1985

On May 13, 1985, the mayor of Philadelphia orders the police to end a stand-off against MOVE. While it is important to pay special notice to this specific date and the actions of MOVE and the officials, it is also important to be aware of the history and major events (historical, technological, cultural) that happened in 1985. Some of the more events that happened in 1985, pre MOVE firebombing are:

President Ronald Reagan was sworn in for a second term in office

Australia cancels its involvement in U.S. - led MX missile tests

Nelson Mandela rejects an offer of freedom from the South African government

Gorbachev becomes General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Part and de facto leader of the Soviet Union

South Africa ends ban on interracial marriages

The U.S.S.R. performs a nuclear test at Eastern Kazakhstan

FDA approves blood tests for AIDS

First .Com domain name is given

Microsoft releases first version of windows

UK begins screening blood donations for AIDS

A hole in the ozone layer is discovered by British scientists

Various artists record "We Are the World" as USA for Africa to raise money for famine relief

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


adopt surname Africa because of founders ethnic background as African-American

30 yrs in prison, should be paroled. don't believe in the system, but don't get in the way of it (prison), no legitimate reason why not paroled. political prisoner - serious nature of offense - no parole. Ramona says illegal. lack of remorse - maintain innocence from beginning so where does remorse come from? release them eventually because no way of getting around it. Reporter asks if the prisoners will have to renounce MOVE in order to get parole. says she doesn't know, she put a lot of pressure on it and other members weren't given this stipulation, but might reinstate it at their own discretion. Deny parole because don't like home situation - say crime infested; Ramona says whole country is crime infested. Basically she is saying that parole board is creating all sorts of ridiculous reasons as to why the 9 members from the 1978 situation aren't being paroled but kept in prison. Asking people to write and call on Move's behalf.

Monday, April 6, 2009

member interviews

Mike Africa: killed our brothers and sisters, making them feel like they had power; saw an example of people who resist authority 

Ramona Africa: "since when did the FBI care about black people complaining about their neighbors?"

separate tasks

historical/cultural background: Emily

MOVE's side: Laura 

City's side: Laetitia 

Event details: Morgan

events, separated by topics