Tuesday, April 7, 2009


adopt surname Africa because of founders ethnic background as African-American

30 yrs in prison, should be paroled. don't believe in the system, but don't get in the way of it (prison), no legitimate reason why not paroled. political prisoner - serious nature of offense - no parole. Ramona says illegal. lack of remorse - maintain innocence from beginning so where does remorse come from? release them eventually because no way of getting around it. Reporter asks if the prisoners will have to renounce MOVE in order to get parole. says she doesn't know, she put a lot of pressure on it and other members weren't given this stipulation, but might reinstate it at their own discretion. Deny parole because don't like home situation - say crime infested; Ramona says whole country is crime infested. Basically she is saying that parole board is creating all sorts of ridiculous reasons as to why the 9 members from the 1978 situation aren't being paroled but kept in prison. Asking people to write and call on Move's behalf.


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